The Boulder City Babes have been missing in action lately, but don’t worry we are back. Guess what!?! I am writing this blog post from my kitchen (and yes it’s in one piece). Let me fill you in on all the craziness that has been going on in my life currently.

For the last 2 and half months our lives have been insane, between living in a motel because all of our cast iron pipes took a crap to finally having things repaired and having it finally starting to feel like home. Even with all the craziness we have tried our best to remain positive.Life is finally coming together and I can honestly say moving to Boulder City has been the best decision ever. Personally, i’ve always felt deep down I was meant to be a small town girl and not living in the hustle and bustle of a big city. Something about Boulder City was calling me.

Boulder City is beautiful and filled with friendly, happy people. Who are actually surprisingly active compared to the big city next door. Everyone is always out riding bikes, walking and gardening just to name a few things. The longer you live here the more likely you are to go out and see someone you know. The city is home to around 15,000 people and is filled with parks. We are also the home of the Hoover Dam, so if you ever decide to visit this wonderful city be sure to talk to the locals, we’re friendly I promise.


Kick it into Gear


The SUN will come out.